2011년 5월 23일 월요일

Possessed by spirit

Do you believe that your body is possessed
by other spirits? I actually do not believe the existence of ghost or spirits. I
am a realist, so I do not trust such unbelievable phenomena when I was watching
TV show. Since I do not have any religion, I have never trust God. Nevertheless
my life was way too far from ghost, spirit or god, I had a ridiculous
experience which was my body is possessed by spirit.
I was 15 years old, and I was in middle school in Korea. There were only one mid-term exam and one final exam each
semester in Korea, and the exam date for all subjects is scheduled in 3-4 days.
There were about 3 subjects to take exams on each day. Most students in Korea
got a lot of stress because of the tight exam schedule. As most students
studied very hard when exam date was coming, I was also one of the hard work
students in Korea.
The unbelievable experience was occurred at third day of exam. There were history, math and science on that day. I remember
that I had slept only 4 hours, and drank coffee to wake up. That was not usual
for me, but I had to do to get good grades on exams. During the history exam, I
felt I had a bad condition since I slept only few hours. Next period was math
exam, but I did not worry about it because I was quite confident on math. There
were about fifteen multiple choice questions and 10 free response questions.
The exam was not bad, so I was speeding up to finish it. During the exam, I
heard a song, but I thought someone’s cell phone was ringing. I looked around
to find whose cell phone it was, but everyone in classroom seems not to hear
the sound. I was shocked that no one heard what I heard. Then my right hand was
trembled, and I dropped my pencil suddenly. That was only I remembering during
a math exam.
I had blacked out, and lost my consciousness. After the
math exam, I ran to the restroom to throw up, and came back to my seat. The stranger
thing was my test was filled with answers which I absolutely do not remember.
There were answers for 10 free response questions without any works, and it was
not even my hand writing.  I also
realized that my answers all correct when I compare answers with classmates.
Even though my classmates knew that there were something wrong with me
from my odd behavior during the test, others includes my family still do not
believe what I had experienced. Although I do not want to have that experience
again, I think of the past sometimes when I want to get 100 on exam in GT.

댓글 2개:

  1. I love this story, because I feel like a lot of people can relate to this experience. One possible explanation for this occurrence may be adrenaline. You had been deprived of sleep and had tried to supplement it with copious amounts of caffeine. Sleep deprivation can lead to symptoms not unlike psychosis, and the auditory hallucination and the black out are symptoms of psychosis. I'm guessing it wasn't full-fledged psychosis since you seem pretty sane to me. A similar thing happens to me whenever I have to make a presentation or speak in public. I have no recollection of what I said during the presentation and it all seems like a blur. I'm guessing this is mostly caused by nerves, so maybe that could serve as another explanation for your experience. Luckily, it turned out well for you.

  2. The story seems like something that would come from a movie, but could also be believable at the same time. I agree with Shannon that it was probably from nerves or lack of sleep but the fact that it was not your hand writing seems odd to me, but I think that the abnormal hand writing was probably from you unsteady hand.
